Violence in the Workplace

Violence in the Workplace Prevention Policy

The State of Connecticut has adopted a statewide zero tolerance policy for workplace violence. Three Rivers Community College fully supports this policy and recognizes the right of its employees to work in a safe and secure environment that is characterized by respect and professionalism.

Prohibited Conduct

Except as may be required as a condition of employment:

  • No employee shall bring into any state worksite any weapon or dangerous instrument as defined herein.
  • No employee shall use, attempt to use, or threaten to use any such weapon or dangerous instrument in a state worksite.
  • No employee shall cause or threaten to cause death or physical injury to any individual in a state worksite.

In addition, Three Rivers Community College prohibits all conduct, either verbal or physical, that is abusive, threatening, intimidating or demeaning.


“Weapon” means any firearm, including a BB gun, whether loaded or unloaded, any knife (excluding a small pen or pocket knife), including a switchblade or other knife having an automatic spring release device, a stiletto, any police baton or nightstick or any martial arts weapon or electronic defense weapon.

“Dangerous instrument” means any instrument, article, or substance that, under the circumstances, is capable of causing death or serious physical injury.

Confiscation of Weapons and Dangerous Instruments

Any weapon or dangerous instrument at the worksite will be confiscated and there is no reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to such items in the workplace.

Reporting Procedures

Emergency Situations

Any employee who believes that there is a serious threat to his/her safety or the safety of others that requires immediate attention should contact 911. The employee must also contact his/her immediate supervisor or the Human Resources Office at 860-215-9212.

Please note that when 911 is dialed from a hard line, the local police authority will respond. When dialing from a cell phone, 911 will connect you directly to the nearest State Police Troop

Non-Emergency Situations

Any employee who feels subjected to or witnesses violent, threatening, harassing, or intimidating behavior in the workplace should immediately report the incident or statement to his/her supervisor or manager, the Human Resources Office, or the Three Rivers Community College.

Supervisors/Managers Responsibilities

Any manager or supervisor who receives a report of violent, threatening, harassing, or intimidating behavior shall immediately contact the Human Resources Office so that office may evaluate, investigate, and take appropriate action.

Investigation and Corrective Action

  • Three Rivers Community College will promptly investigate all reports or alleged incidents of violent, threatening, harassing or intimidating behavior.
  • All employees are expected to cooperate fully in all such investigations.
  • Any employee suspected of violating this policy may be placed immediately on administrative leave pending the results of the investigation.
  • If the claims of violent, threatening, harassing or intimidating conduct are substantiated, or if it is found that the employee has otherwise violated this policy, the employee will be dealt with through the appropriate disciplinary process, and may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal from state service.
  • Where the situation warrants, Three Rivers Community College will request that the appropriate law enforcement agencies become involved in the investigation of the matter, and Three Rivers Community College may seek prosecution of conduct that violates the law.

Enforcement of the Policy

This policy will be prominently posted for all agency employees.