Higher Education = Higher Pay

You can’t go wrong with a college education. Look at these earning statistics.

Median Weekly Earnings

Full-time workers age 25 or older

(U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016)

Less than High School – $494

High School Diploma – $679

Associate Degree – $782

Bachelor’s Degree – $1,155

Look at it another way …

Lifetime Earnings

Wages And Education 2011 Georgetown 615p

With an associate’s degree, that’s lifetime earnings over $500,000 more than a high school degree.

With a bachelor’s degree, that’s lifetime earnings of over $964,000 more than a high school degree.

Tuition is Affordable. Plus there’s Financial Aid.

Three Rivers tuition is the lowest in the state. And that’s before financial aid.

Cost of attending Three Rivers for one years compared to attending other Connecticut colleges

$4,556 – Three Rivers

$11,846 – Connecticut State Universities (CSU)

$17,226 – UConn

$20,888 – Goodwin College

$42,112 – University of Hartford (UH)

(All figures are for 2019-2020 and include tuition and fees for two years, not room and board.)

With Financial Aid, many of our students pay no tuition!

Financial aid reduces tuition for 67% of our students. Find out if you’re eligible.

Learn about our degrees and certificates.

Classes start August 26, so enroll now!