Three Rivers Summer Classes Open for Registration

Summer ClassesThree Rivers Community College has opened enrollment on summer courses. New and returning students can now register for classes in any of the three summer sessions that begin May 20, June 4, and July 10. Completing multiple courses is also possible as the timing of the sessions allow students to take a course in the first and third session without any overlap.

Taking a summer course is a great way to earn three credits or more in eight weeks or less. Currently enrolled Three Rivers students can focus on just one tough course, like math, science or foreign language, and lighten their course load for next year.

Summer courses also give students from different colleges and universities, who are home for the summer, a chance to complete a prerequisite or general education requirement that will transfer to their school.

In addition to the traditional on-campus classes, Three Rivers also offers 39 online courses. Traditional and online courses range in subjects from US History I, General Chemistry I, Principles of Microeconomics, Intermediate Algebra, Principles of Sociology, Elementary Spanish I and more.

For more information on summer courses at Three Rivers, visit

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