The Gallery at Three Rivers presents “Recent Works” by Daniel Charron

The Art Gallery filled with Daniel Charron's exhibit "Recent Works."

The Art Gallery filled with Daniel Charron’s exhibit “Recent Works.”

Three Rivers Community College is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Daniel Charron, a Norwich native. “Recent Works” will run through Friday, March 24 in the Gallery at Three Rivers.

A retired art teacher from Norwich Free Academy, Daniel Charron is a graduate of Southern Connecticut State University and Norwich Free Academy. He currently resides in Norwich. His exhibit, “Recent Works” is comprised of collages of found metal and found objects nailed to wood. The subject of the collages vary, including non-objective compositions and landscapes.

“Recent Work” is on exhibit at The Gallery at Three Rivers, which is located on

the second floor above the main entrance. It is free and open to the public Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  The exhibit will run through Friday, March 24.

For more information, contact Sandra Jeknavorian at 860-215-9439 or

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